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Our native willow hedges are made up from a great combination of Grey Willow (Salix Cinerea), and Goat Willow (Salix Caprea) - both producing the beautiful fuzzy catkins which are an excellant early polen source for pollinators.


We supply two different types of kit, and are sold by metre length with 'Double Row' (1m width - 5x 45cm cuttings) and 'Tripple Row' (1.5m width - 8x cuttings) options.

Native Wildlife-Friendly 'Pussy Willow' Hedge Kit

PriceFrom £8.00
  • The BASIC Kit: Contains the willow cuttings, and planting & aftercare instructions. These give our customers the option to go plastic-free (e.g. no weed-suppressing membrane and pegs), a great option where there is less need to protect against weeds or where an alternative (e.g. mulching) is to be used. 

    The FULL Kit: As per the 'basic' kit, with the addition of weed suppressing membrane & 6" pegs to secure the membrane. 

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©2020 by Deeside Willow.

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